Friday, April 3, 2009

World Of Dance Tour!

The highly anticipated dance event of the year is now just one day away! The world famous "World of Dance Tour" will be stopping by the city of Pomona,CA tomorrow and what an event it will be. To create even more excitement, RAD will definitely be there with a booth for your tooth to sink in on some new shirts! But, we're doing it a little different this time.. we're going to play a little game.

The first five people to come up to the booth and recite 1 out of the 5 secret phrases receives an ultimate prize! What are those 5 secret phrases??

2.Elliot escapes earth.
3.Petey plays platypus.
4.Franco flips frontwards.
5.Mikey makes magic.

So.. write them down, repeat them to yourself, carve them on a tree, do whatever it takes for you to memorize them.. and we'll see you at the RAD booth tomorrow evening.

one love,

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