Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The show must go on...

Its a grind, San Diego Music Night new location, same vibration, no limitations. see yall there!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008



forget Best Buy, Toys R Us, and any other store you were planning to camp out for to get deals for.

just stay home relax and hop on the computer and get your shopping done on the computer @!

peace peace ya'll!

Monday, November 24, 2008


its goin down. yung joc styles. bring your A game and cash, and be ready for a good time. see yall there!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

What Flavor?!? is a website most definitly worth checking out..

not only do they carry the wonderful brand known as RAD..but they also carry a wide range of other brands that might fit your liking as well.

the site is actually the online counterpart of an encinitas store called UNIV, which! we will be holding a show at very sooon. =]

so be on the lookout for that and more importantly check out the robust flavor shop and blog!


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

i always watch this

For some reason i love watching this, to me it just seems so beautiful. To how graceful they ride, the music that is playing, the way its filmed, and the amazing san fransisco hills.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Did you see this yet?

How much would you want to get socked by Brock?


check these keys

Imma cop all these Schimmel Grand pianos.

Art Edition

CC 213 G Transparent

Pegasus CC 208


Monday, November 17, 2008


If you guys thought this was Hot, you should've checked out our show in SD!
Pictures will be up shortly!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I dont think ya'll understand!!

This show is about to cracck!

held in a very dope boba spot that is sure to be home to a very chill fun environment.

but most should come to the shows to get those good deals on our clothes...its always cheaper!! so at least come out cop some tees and if you feelin the vibes stay and keep us company!

see ya'll there! its bout to be a gooood night. =]

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Who's excited???

Come enjoy a beautiful evening with RAD this friday. We got music, food, boba, coffee and cigarettes.

Monday, November 10, 2008

the coolest people in norCAL

Me and Riq had quite the adventure in norcal this weekend. Much thanks to Davy for letting us stay at his place. Davy is a freaking crazy designer btw. He works for a company that designs all the apple stores! Anyways... one main reason for our trip is to meet the future of RAD in norcal. Here they are:

It was pretty packed
the HEAD HUNTERZ crew was gettin down

check out my friends room, everyone has a bike in SF
Here's his bathroom
Oh yea... here's a painting I did for him back back back in the day
after visiting my friends apt. we ate some beef shwarma down the street
I'm gonna miss frisco

peace and love,

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Winter Sneak Peak w/ J. Peric!

So our lovely friend Jessica has been modeling for RAD since day one. She has obviously shown that she's gonna be here for the long haul. So we decided to start a new special blog: Season Sneak Peak w/ J. Peric! ( rhymes lol) Every season the beautiful Jessica is gonna give us a sneak peak at what is gonna drop next! Without further a due heres the sneak!

*sidenote: these are all mens tees and the hoody is well a hoody. unisex lol. thats why they are a bit big on ol' girl. and it also shows that it is super cute when girls rock guys tees too! :]

and now ya'll should check the online shop for an even better suprise!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

if your going to San Fransisco...

Check us out!


Finally the wait is over, we have ourselves a new president! All we can do now is change ourselves.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I plead that every one exercises their power to vote today.

Today is an epic day and will definitly go down in history.

Of course the Presidential election is important but i urge everybody to look into all of the propositions as well. They touch upon alot of moving topics and can affect alot of different aspects of our lives but could also affect our taxes.

Its not everywhere that everybody has a say. Be proud to be American and exercise your rights!

Happy Election Day everybody!!

be safe! =]


Monday, November 3, 2008

Inifnity funk Project Anouncements

I got nothing but love for these guys, provided us with
food and shelter when we were in the bay. It should be
a fun weekend with these guys.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

my kind of collabo

Nigo did it again. This is a BAPE collabo that features everyones favorite Nintendo character, Super Mario. oh yea... mariokart 64 is the best game in the world. btw

I don't know which BAPE collabo I like better.

peace and love,

Saturday, November 1, 2008

prop izz ate

Today, I interviewed Tim Murphy, a full time student at CSUF studying theatre. Tim used his talents on the streets today to express his opinion on Proposition 8. Prop 8 eliminates the right for people to have SAME-SEX marriages. His interview discusses the main radical issues Prop 8 raises.

Tim Murphy

RAD: What are your main points with Prop 8?
TIM: 1)Equality for ALL. These rights are in the same boat as blacks, women, every human rights issue back in the day. Why is this different? Is it because of religion? or pride? 2)It's Biologically proven. it’s not a choice to be gay. They have different hormonal levels when they're born. Back in the day, when women would miscarriage, they would pump hormones into them to assist with birth. So why discriminate against a choice that wasn't "gay" people's choice to begin with? 3)Consequences have happened, and probably will happen. Anything from suicide to alcohol abuse are often linked to the neglect of such choice like same-sex marriage.

RAD: Why do you protest?
TIM: It's a reaction from opposing protests for me. I also love showing my passion. When you're out there on the streets using your time and money, you feel a stronger passion for your opinion. It's just a great way to express your opinion. It's proven that propaganda CAN be a huge influence, and could add to advertisement.

It's a release screaming on the corner of a major intersection. People honking just gives you hope.

RAD: Would you literally fight for this?
TIM: No. because there needs to be civility in this political process.

RAD: Who are you voting for?
TIM: Obama. Because he is the lesser of two evils. And he supports nuclear proliferation. He is committed to working with other countries. And McCain is not.

peace and love,