Friday, October 31, 2008

I want them white joints!!!

PAM always come clean!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

K9 Crunchies

preview of RAD's winter line... sold at a petsmart near you ;)

Juuust kiddinnng!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

id rather watch commercials...

with all these ridiculous shows nowadays, i get more laughs watching commercials
than watching flavor flav act a fool.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Great Minds Think Alike.....Again?!

If you guys have been following us and a blog for a while now you might remember earlier this year when Supreme did tee shirts with the kermit concept just like we did. Its funny how it happened around the same time. And sure enough the same type deal is happening again. From our Fall Line we made an ode to the legendary Miles Davis, and after peeping one of the latest blogs from it turns out that supreme is doing a couple of Miles Davis shirts as well. The shirts are in no way the same in design, but its just funny how stuff like this happens. If your a fan of Miles Davis any of these choices would be great for you whether it be supremes or ours. (ya'll should help our movement tho!)

Supreme's tribute to the legend.

Our own rendition of Miles Davis doin his thang. shoutout to those old school basketball shirts!

peace and love

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Crackberry FTW.

heres the latest attempt at an iphone killer though..
utilizing a new "clickable" screen feature..should be nice...

real bosses got blackberrys...

whatever happened to the blackberry bold tho?!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


peep 5:40

peace and love,

Saturday, October 18, 2008

President Palin?

get involved

vote for OBEEZY!

Friday, October 17, 2008


is it an oxymoron to say that its gonna be hot?! lol....


LA is my lady - Dox.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


new music video by USHER! its HOT!

peace and love,

Monday, October 13, 2008


compulsive disorder is what Reynolds has..and obsessive is what we are about reynolds and just skating overall..

but this video is just a testament that you can take something that is viewed mostly as a burden can be turned around and used positively. dude be doin things in three..thats pretty bout to start sayin "westcoast" before every trick

On another note it shows that all these pro skaters DO get scurred. So next time you are settin up to go big and you feel that fear in your stomach...just know that it is natural and it is all part of the process. so go balls out and be RAD..

well heres random inspirational blog for the day...westcoast up..fresh and easy is the motto..

Friday, October 10, 2008

DunkXchange - FULLERTON

Dunkxchange Fullerton is home for us. We'll see yall there.

peace and love,

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Rosewood Royale

October 12th marks the 3 year anniversary for Rosewood Royale's barbershop. RAD will be setting up a booth, so come by... have some free bbq and cop a shirt.

wait... have u heard of rosewood royale? watch this:

peace and love,

Thursday, October 2, 2008

World of Dance Part 1 !

So this past weekend the RAD crew minus big boss Randy hit the Bay area.. We attended the world or dance..and it was literally a world of dance..there was alot of crews and bboys representin and it was a beautiful site to see..if there is ever a chance for you guys to check one of these is a must.! It was a hectic yet amazing weekend and heres just one HALF! what we got to show for it...

first stop when you hit frisco..Twin Peaks..amazing view..(bottle was there when we arrived)

it was just us and our truck full of product to push. (bruce was hella napped.!)

dox had to pee since we left the bar!!

best filipino breakfast in the world!! shoutout to superstar breakfast!

it mos definitly made Mark! happy!! :]


mobbin the streets...

deal of a lifetime..!

the main bboy battle stage.! dun dun dun

bonus box!! 5 dolla tees! can you believe it?!

one of our first and favorite customers...

the monster hits the bay

mr. san diego himself!!


booth crackin

thank you for the sips!! :]

too much

fine taste in clothing and music..

RAD couple.

the infamous...


3x the hype

tupac lives!!



RAD encourages college educations..

lookin snazzy in the V!

our boy copped the tee and hit the stage!!


he loves the hundreds..we love the sure you love the hundreds..leave some room in your heart for RAD!!

these kids were fresh..i shoulda got em for the street team..(holla at me if you see this fellas! lol)


shoutout to RAH!

official fannypack shirt..girl reminds me of my homegirl..


supreme soul!!

RAH/fully laced..nicest man alive

love my boys at LA Lemon..nohomo..cant knock that hustle at the end fellas!! lol

ic3/ifp family..appreciate the hospitality.!

tag team..its tooooo easy!!

r.i.p. V's

this kid is the man..stuntin is obviously a habit of his...

bboy stage in action

filthy dripped and drunk! lol..great guys

Breezy Excursion!! great and mark copped their sweaters..amazing
product..check em out!

our favorites!!

the crowd was serious...

there were like a million of these lil dance circles all over the was dope.

no better way to end this with wonderful ladies!!

part 2 coming soon..keep chekcin sucked both our cameras were low on battery for the whole trip so this just the tip of the all of yall that we seen and met out there...see you guys soon and stay up..yall are officialy RAD FAM.